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About me. 


YHVH is the name of God ( Tetragrammaton = FOUR LETTERS ) which means : I AM WHO I AM = I AM LIVING .

This name tells the man that GOD ( YHVH ) is not an imaginary entity man if not an entity REAL LIVE . Initially GOD ( YHVH ).


Was manifested to man as THE ALMIGHTY but later the servant MOISES was identified como.YO I AM THAT I AM and also I RESULTING SER = I WILL BE IN THE FUTURE (when visibly manifest to man, lease . BIBLE, BOOKS REVELATION : 22 : 3-4, 21: 2 Ezekiel : 39: 7

Known this GOD ( YHVH ) is not uniquely authentic so como.ALA PERSONAL NAME = GOD in Arabic nor is , GOD AND ALA are adjectives that tell the man SITUATION OF GOD from man , is the name of his office. Just as the president may be called SR.RAJOY Rajoy ( personal name) or President ( name of their position ) , GOD, ALA is the name of their position with respect to us . With the Tetragrammaton indicates the man is ALIVE AND IS REAL.




This site aims to be a tool to help the man on several problems and questions theological, LIVING , SPIRITUAL , MORAL , ETHICAL , ETC ... Although GOD ( YHVH ) brought down the holy books ( Bible , TORA , KORAN ) for these purposes this site aims to be a tool more help. YOUR INFORMATION AND TIPS ARE INDICATIVE OF CHARACTER . For inquiries LEGAL character is recommended to refer to the websites of these professionals . Anticipates that the advice is first directed to consult the current laws if applicable. THE AUTHOR OF THE WEB is not intended to be GOD if not rather help man its development in all aspects of the fields of human knowledge to come any closer to God and away from evil, IGNORANCE , LIES , representing VIOLENCE THE REBEL IBLIS ( SATAN ) the fallen angel .



" ... I am the LORD , am your God who teaches you that so you benefit yourself , that makes you tread in the way you should go . " Source: the Bible, Book of Isaiah 48:17

VALUE # 1: Love YHVH with all your heart , with all your soul and with all your mind. SOURCE: The Bible , Matthew 22:37

VALUE # 2: Love your neighbor as yourself. SOURCE: The Bible , Mark 12:31

VALUE # 3: You must not have any other gods against my face. SOURCE: The Bible , Exodus 20: 3 ( CLARIFICATION : In the place of worship and prayer YHVH should not have idols : SANTOS , VIRGIN , CROSS AND LOGOS VARIOUS OTHER PICTURES , ETC ... ) .

VALUE # 4: You must not make yourself a carved image or a form like anything that is in heaven above , or that is in the earth beneath , or that is in the water under the earth and NOT bow down to them nor serve them because YHVH is a GOD behavior to that required exclusive devotion . SOURCE: The Bible , Exodus 20: 4


VALUE # 5: NOT take the name of YHVH worthless way .

SOURCE: The Bible , Deuteronomy 5:11

VALUE # 6: Remember the Sabbath ( rest) to hold it sacred six days to serve you and you have to do all your trabajo.Pero the seventh day is a Saturday    (rest) to YHVH your God. SOURCE: The Bible , Exodus 34:21

VALUE 7 Honor your father and your mother, that your days may prove long on the ground that YHVH gives you. SOURCE: The Bible ,

Exodus 20:12

VALUE # 8  : You must not murder . SOURCE: The Bible , Exodus 20:13

VALUE # 9 VALUE : You must not commit adultery. SOURCE: The Bible ,Exodus 20:14

VALUE 10 : You must not steal . SOURCE: The Bible , Exodus 20:15


VALUE # 11 : You must not testify falsely as a witness against your neighbor . SOURCE: The Bible , Exodus 20:16

VALUE # 12 : You must not desire your fellowman's house . SOURCE: The Bible , Exodus 20:17

VALUE # 13 : You must not desire your neighbor 's wife , nor his ox , nor his ass, nor anything that belongs to your fellowman . SOURCE: The Bible , Exodus 20:17

VALUE # 14 : sexsuales should not have intercourse with animals .

SOURCE: The Bible , Leviticus 18:23

VALUE # 15 : You should not seek the services of sorcerers / as, curanderos / as, professional forecasters event ( psychics, tarot readers and other Mancia , etc ... ) . SOURCE: The Bible , Deuteronomy 18:10

VALUE # 16 : You must not mistreat the alien resident . SOURCE: The Bible , Exodus 22:21

 VALUE # 17 : Take care of widows (and orphans ) with or without children , whether it be your hand take her to your house and your protector.(not required to marry them but if there is no marriage no sex with them) .She and their children will be your right -protecting and will have your property or not according to the law of the country of residence. SOURCE: The Bible, 1 Timothy 5 : 3-1 Timothy 5 : 16 - Deuteronomy 25 : 7- Exodus 22 : 22, Deuteronomy 24 : 17, Deuteronomy 24 : 20, Deuteronomy 24 : 21, Zechariah 7 : 10 - Isaiah 1: 17

Deuteronomy 24 : 19, Deuteronomy 25 : 9 - Deuteronomy 26:12

VALUE # 18 : No need to pay money to afflicted with interest as usury . SOURCE: The Bible , Exodus 22:25


VALUE # 19 : You must not call down evil ( curse ) of YHVH , nor on the authorities of your country or town. SOURCE: The Bible , Exodus 22:28

VALUE # 20 : You must not eat meat of any animal found dead in the field. SOURCE: The Bible , Exodus 22:31

VALUE # 21 : Must not repeat a false report ( rumor or gossip ) . SOURCE: The Bible , Exodus 23: 1

VALUE # 22 : Do not you cooperate with the innocuous plot making you witness violence. SOURCE: The Bible , Exodus 23: 1

VALUE # 23 : must not follow after the crowd for evil ends (demonstrations  , riots, riots and pogroms ) . SOURCE: The Bible , Exodus 23: 2

VALUE # 24 : You must not testify as to a dispute ( dispute ) to deviate to the crowd ( in order ) to pervert justice. SOURCE: The Bible , Exodus 23: 2

VALUE # 25 : As the lowly condition should not show preference to a dispute yours. SOURCE: The Bible ,Exodus 23: 3


GOD ( YHVH ) is always observing human activad .




Testigos de Jehova(BIBLIA)



CRONNECTION(Ofrece tus habilidades  o vende tus objetos cambio de horas,puntos o dinero)

 BANCO DE TIEMPO(Ofrece tus habilidades y conocimientos a cambio de tiempo con el que puedes pedir ayuda y habilidades)









Todas las criaturas de la creacion manifiestan el amor,sabiduria y conocimiento del creador DIOS(JHVH) EL es creador de MUNDOS.

All creatures of creation manifest the love, wisdom and knowledge of the creator God ( YHVH ) is the creator of THE WORLDS .



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